The digitalization enables companies to be one-step ahead of the competition and to use new solutions without the need to invent and build such solutions by their own, at the same time avoiding significant invests upfront. We are covering as consulting services the complete range of feasible outsourcing solutions such as:
- Outsourcing of datacentre and hardware
- Outsourcing of standard software solutions
- Using of cloud solutions
- Outsourcing of development solutions for individual and customized software
- Outsourcing of application management and manged services
- Business process outsourcing
We support efficient partner and solution selection by preparing request for information, request for proposals as well as transparent and target oriented bids. From begin on we take care to create high-grade service specifications and asset descriptions which allows both parties, the client and the sourcing partner, to share a clear perception of the expected performance to deliver.
In particular, we propose payment models, which reflect the business of the clients and support his business targets. The aim is, to quickly evolve the client and the sourcing partner towards a fruitful partnership supporting both at the same time, the individual as well as the joint targets.
Process model
We start with the Analysis of optimization arear of your business by
- Concentration on core business areas
- Reduction of the vertical rage of manufacture
- Cost reduction by increased „economy of scale“ and standardisation
- Increase of flexibility
- Reduction of complexity and increased controlling opportunities
- Protection of innovation capability
e continue by forming the Transition of assets and employees with the use of agile project methodologies and enable vendors so that they can take over responsibility after a very short period.
We conduct the so-called Transformation phase from the „current mode of operation“ towards the „future mode of operation“ also with the help of agile project methodology to create fast and efficient positive results. This also includes the development and implementation of “tools” to control, continuously measure the change arrangements, to measure the knowledge on vendor side and the steering capability on customer side.
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We at projecticon have extensive experiences with the realization of outsourcing projects on both, the vendor’s and the client’s side. This also includes the transition of assets or people.
By negotiating outsourcing contracts, our employees reached cost reduction in double digit millions with simultaneously performance optimization of the vendor that still was able to act profitably. These seemingly divergent targets were reached by extending the degrees of freedom to realize the requested services. The IT costs were completely aligned to the business targets of the client.
With „Business Value Drivers“, we could substitute complex and multiple IT-KPIs by real value drivers of the client which means that the client disposed of a quality promise for operating his business process.
Another example was the reduction of the execution time for order-entry and fulfilment. In this period, the vendor checked customer data, the solvency of a customer, existing business relationship and further pre-conditions to close a new contract as a manged service for the client. The mode of payments which had been introduced ensured that the service requesting company was only charged for successful and fulfilled entered orders, for which the service complied to previously defined quality criteria and KPIs, independently of the technical provision of IT-Services like hardware, datacentre, software and operating staff by the service vendor. This significant change in the relationship between (IT) vendor and client led both parties aiming for the same targets, to (shared) cost reductions due to optimal use of resources in hardware, software and operating staff, to an accurate cost estimation and control of IT services belonging to a business process. Simultaneously a significant increase of quality and customer and client satisfaction (all in the same boat) could be gained.
Our USP is the entanglement of agile project methods in sourcing projects, where we combine outsourcing, managed services and cloud solutions in order to achieve quick and sustainable results.