

Big projects, organically company growth, acquisitions, introductions respectively changes in service provider/supplier structures are obvious reasons why companies need to adapt their organisational structures and governance modes. Less visible factors frequently are evolved habits, change of focus, inefficient work, unsatisfied sponsors or demotivated employees.

We will support you to

  • capture & reflect the actual structures
  • identify improvement measures
  • define adequate organisational and governance structures
  • ...effectively implement the change in your company

In particular, we will focus on the sustainable optimisation of your structures, which will be measurable on improved performance and higher customer satisfaction. We will ensure, that your employees – the base of your success! - will be accompanied and integrated in the complete change process.

Process model

The first step will be the analysis of potential for improvement in the organisation, taking into account the opportunities and challenges arising from requests out of the governance and compliance area regarding environmental, market and legal aspects.

The analysis will investigate on:

  • tasks & performance of your organisation
  • integration into the overall organisation
  • your internal/external customers and their satisfaction with regards on your organisation
  • ...your employees and their satisfaction

Based on the findings, we will commonly define sustainable Objectives for a new organisation and governance structure in line with the strategy and values of the company. These objectives contain concrete, measurable improvements, which will be verified after implementation.

In the next step, we will determine the Measures for achievement of the defined. This step includes:

  • comprehensive description of your customers as well as the services for your customers (do’s and don’ts)
  • comprehensive description of all suppliers and there services (do’s and don’ts)
  • new structure of your organisation, allocation of tasks as well as dimensioning of teams
  • optimal assignment of employees to new structure
  • identification of training arrangements
  • information and integration of workers council (if available) and preparation of needed documentation
  • strong alignment with human resources
  • preparation and implementation of sounding boards for early and optimal involvement of employees
  • planning of transformation of the actual organisation into the target organisation (during daily business)

We will accompany you during the definition of the measures as well as in the subsequent implementation.

Continuous Control during and after the implementation of new organisation and governance structures is a central factor of success. In this context, important factors are:

  • Satisfaction of your employees
    • Are all employees informed about their future tasks, roles, interfaces, trainings, timings,...?
  • Satisfaction of your customers
    • Does your customer feel better as of today?
  • Improvement of efficiency, performance and agility
    • Are projects implemented faster and more cost-efficient?


We, as projecticon, have gathered experience in the implementation of organisational changes as well as in the introduction of changed governance structures both on the client’s side and the contractor’s side.

Due to structural realignment of partial divisions of the company into a newly integrated organisation, following achievements have been realised:

  • synergies based on reduction of redundant functions
  • increase of efficiency due to focusing and specialism of the organisation
  • improved performance of the organisation as a result of the introduction of new methodologies and re-dimensioning of the team

These targets were reached cost-neutrally and without any job cuts.

As an example, we reorganised several country-specific IT organisations to a common internal IT organisation. The close cooperation with the country-specific HR departments as well as the workers’ councils and the continuous involvement of the customers and the employees led to:

  • the implementation of the reorganisation without degradation of daily business
  • improved customer satisfaction by introducing dedicated teams to the requesting business units
  • an increase of the quantity and quality of successfully implemented projects due to clear responsibilities and specialisation of teams
  • encouragement of the employees due to additional trainings (increase of personal market value)
  • transparent and more cost efficient vendor management caused by the introduction of function point methodology

The USP of projecticon is based on the introduction of a complete perception of the reorganisation (client, customers, employees, HR department, worker’ council, supplier) which will avoid expensive and protracted implementations of reorganisations at an early stage. During the implementation process we assist all involved parties in such a way as to preserve resources and to minimise the implications on daily business.


Each organization bears significant potential, how to face technological and social changes in order to be one-step ahead to the competition. We support you to identify such potential within your company.